Bone Densitometry (DEXA)

DEXA is a scanning technique used to assess mineral bone density and can diagnose osteoporosis and assess the risk of osteogenesis imperfecta (‘brittle bones’)

Having a DEXA

The equipment aims a low dose of X-rays at the bones being tested and performs calculations that give a highly accurate measurement of the amount of mineral in the bone. It then compares your measurements with those of other people of a similar age and weight, and of the same sex and ethnic background.

Important things to tell us
Before you arrive
Preparation for the scan
During the scan
After the scan

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Wonderful, clean, spacious building. Helpful, friendly, professional staff. I was looked after very well.

All of the staff, from reception to all the nurses and MRI scanning team, were absolutely lovely. Very friendly and caring, and kept me well informed throughout.